Wednesday, January 27, 2010


All right, it is rare in our times for people to speak clearly, truthfully and to the point. Black is black, white is white, gray is gray, and these facts will remain into eternity. FACT: all statutory law is based in fraud, through the usurpation of your natural rights. Fraud, deceit, lies, trickery, genocide and murder are the foundation of all western nation states, politics, most orthodox churches and especially the bank and church of the state of the Vatican, the Catholic church. Nor are the Masonic orders to be excluded from this certain categorization. Here is why- the premise of the law, their law, rests on usurping or stealing your natural person, your body, your spirit, your behavior, your entire life's labor, your lovers, your children, your education, your land and all of your God-given, natural, tribal, inalienable, primal, spiritual rights and freedoms. Then they make you a second class citizen (subject status), subject to the law of the elite, demonic, aristocracy. They call it democracy but it does not have anything to do with freedom for you.But instead imprisonment of us and our planet. Then you are charged a fee or they sell to you a license as a privilege and give a few of your rights and freedoms back to you at a heavy price. Last I checked this planet came to ALL of us FREE of charge, complete with FREE water, sun, air, plants, animals, fruits, forests and fish. So how and why does everything come with a price tag?
I have to ask at this point, how has this gross, criminal conduct gone unnoticed by you? How could or would you allow such criminal atrocity to rule over your everyday life? Are you really such cows and sheep and totally oblivious? I clearly don't get it.
Their game goes like this, they start writing little words on paper declaring themselves to be sacred nobility, legitimate and better than everyone else. They then declare themselves divine and noble and all their rules, the law. All of their officers and agents are members of nobility and able to enforce their law.
Now they go to other natural lands and tribal people who live sustainable as natural people on the land and obliterate their rights, kill, rape, torture, kidnap or sell everybody, or all of the above. They declare nobody else but their agents have any rights, they grant themselves all the power. Now they kill most of the animals, many of the plants and make sure the natural peoples culture, families and sustainable systems are broken. They now steal their water, horses, buffalo, deer, goats and sheep and tell them there is not enough water, food or grass for them or their animals.
Everybody starves and finally has to ask the new power brokers for help. Being successful man and planet killers they are now in a position to help. So they give them jobs or not, false education or not, charity and crackers or not. Most importantly they make them cut down all their forest, take away their real money, all their timber, water, gold, silver, precious gems and give them funny money, play money, paper money or coins made of junk metal.
Now people can have no wealth, hold no specimen, gold or silver and own no land. People are now taxed at 93 cents on the dollar through redundant taxation. Oh and don't forget, these perpetrators of carnage always insist they are the good guys with God on their side.
The purpose of statutory law is to engage in the forceful extraction of funds from you under threat of arms and arrest. Anyone who opposes them is killed, jailed, tortured or fined. Anytime they want more power they devalue the funny money slowly so no one notices or instantly, thereby totally reclaiming the entire nation's wealth, to include all the resources and land that the people have rented and worked for their whole lives. Sounds a lot like the Monopoly Game doesn't it!
To keep themselves in power and happy they build bigger guns, bigger bombs and say no other nations have the right to these super weapons, naturally for national security and public safety, etc. Any thinking people who do not like this deal, they call Bolsheviks, socialists, communists, guerrillas, terrorists, pedophiles, cultists, anarchists, satanists, faggots, patriots and now, enemy non-combatants. How convenient!
Now they can through law and justice torture and kill everybody LEGALLY, just like always. Now these monsters have drafted every natural thing and person into something called commerce, against their will and without their knowledge. To make people feel a little better, they get an SS number and three or four rights back. Now added are endless layers of bureaucracy to confuse and dumb down the population until they are fully trained, hypnotized and obedient. People now sit on the couch, watch tell-a-vision, go to jobs, press the right buttons, drink bud light and why ask why? on the weekends and rave to the world about their freedom.
People are so fucking dumb, they join the very system that imprisons them, even offering their lives to defend the largest criminal organizations on the planet, the U.S. government, the Italian government, the French government, the English government, etc. These Einsteins carry not one ounce of gold in their pockets nor own even one acre of land free and clear. "We will tax their every heartbeat" Franklin Roosevelt. "As long as I can control the currency of a nation, I care not who is king" John D. Rockefeller.
NOW IT GETS WORSE... They have stolen the land from the rightful natives and now they steal it again and again, so they can sell the land for big money, mortgage the land for bigger money and let the purchasers pay, build and develop and do all the work. So that they can now tax the land at a higher rate now that it is improved. Quite an unethical profit on a stolen investment! But don't worry now, there is much more to steal... Let's get started.
The new laws let the government seize the good land again- BLM, national forests, state parks to sell the natural resources to their banking, cartel buddies. Timber, copper, water, gold, silver, camping, hiking, but only if you pay your extortion fee to enter.
Now these controllers will tell you who you can have sex with, how you will have sex, where you will have sex, when you can marry, what age you can think, what age you can work, what age you are an adult, what age you can join the army to defend your God and country of sham. You see unfortunately people are dumber than animals. they run into the same fire over and over, generation after generation, for the same lies. The disease is religion, nationalism and the European banking cartel. This fact does not change with history. Keep your eye on the ball. For the revolution to be successful, these entities must be overcome.
The bad guys have noted that less than two percent of people are still thinking. So it is time for chemical warfare. Here comes monosodium glutamate in your food (it even kills car engines), mercury in your teeth and vaccinations (a super neuro-toxin), sodium-flouride in your water, toothpaste and mouthwash (a brain killer), aluminum in your deoderant and cookware (another heavy metal), a little bit of AIDS in your hepatitis B and small pox vaccines (made especially for people who don't have sex the "right way" and/ or black Africans). Intel suggests AIDS was assembled by the World Health Organization in Detreck, Maryland. Now we have formaldehyde out-gassing in mothballs for our homes, hazers for bars, nightclubs and theaters. Next we have the American Dental Association, under penalty of a dentist losing his license, imposing mandatory x-rays on all patients regardless of need, only to insure our unhealthy dose of radiation into our thymus glands to help dumb us down. Plenty of chemical laden cheap beer and tobacco to keep everyone running fast until they die and Prozac if some how their consciousness surfaces. Now people can be robbed when they die and can only die in statutory jurisdiction. I hope you are feeling real free and patriotic about now.
BUT there's more, movement controls; permits, licenses to travel or move, passports to keep populations where they belong. Let's build big, wide, open roads and when people drive fast, quick and efficiently and without incident, cops will extort more money for driving safely. Oops, strip search, if you fly or travel anywhere.
The European Banking Cartel (the bank of the Vatican, the Masonic Orders) have run this whole damn game for over a thousand years, because you have let them, you have not kept your eye on the ball, you have not taught your children the truth about anything. The banking cartel sets up the church, government, schools, banks and the military to watch the front door. They set up the mafia, the Masons and petty criminals to watch your back door. Then they use psych-ops against your family, generation against generation, young against old, old against young, men against women, women against men, bosses against workers in your workplace and lawyers against everybody. They control the up, the down, the beginning and end and everything in the middle. They make or break nations in the blink of an eye and control our economies to the decimal point.
The orders of the Masons who insist that they are benevolent, are not. They quietly snuff out small businesses, new technologies, genius individuals and their attempts at independence and freedom through quiet manipulation of money, thugs and government regulations. We know they are bad guys through simple observation, you will see their symbols on buildings in cities and towns all over the western world. They own most all of the significant businesses and have controlled commerce and land for hundreds of years. Here's the test, if they were benevolent, we would not have this class system and so many people starving in the street. This manufactured state of poverty is their charitable work. If they were good guys with the power that they have, this would not be the result. We would not have a world constantly limping along in poverty, destroyed ecosystems, dirty energy, endless wars, lack of humane governments, churches and economies.
WAKE UP MY PEOPLE! Our hearts, lives, families, economies are gutted for war. You must know everything is not what it seems. You must observe keenly. The USA has never really had much of a chance of escaping the European Banking Cartel and it's henchmen to achieve liberty, freedom and success for the people. Britain knew they could not possess America until it was beaten into submission and had a signed contract, so they made war until the USA had no more resources to fight. Then came the contract, the Constitution. The people wanted independence and freedom but instead were duped and doomed by contract. Most of the founding fathers were Federalists, only acting as liberators thus to sell out and create the mechanism of enslavement which was written into the Constitution. THE GOVERNMENT RESERVES THE POWER TO CONTROL AND REGULATE COMMERCE. These deceivers who possess titles of nobility from Europe knew well the art of fine print. They knew over the course of years, whether it be a criminal king three thousand miles away or a local criminal bureaucracy three blocks away, they would call everything and everybody commerce and fully control and regulate them. Thus the constitution is NOT our bastion of freedom but our lawful contract of enslavement.
If you are ever vaguely interested in freedom, you must NEVER give any government the power to regulate and control commerce. The people MUST control commerce, or they will have no power. In the early years of our country there were laws against persons with titles of nobility from running or holding titles of office. After the Constitution it was too late, prohibition against nobility were ignored, now this country was firmly in the grip of banking cartel nations. Roman Maritime Admirality Law would soon be fully applied. You see the Roman Empire never really fell, it morphed. England had the most powerful navy, to build this they needed a loan from Italy because England was broke. The loan was not repaid so Italy ended up legally possessing all of the Queen's holdings and possessions, which meant all of England. Going back in history a little bit further we find the Emperor Nero set Rome ablaze and then blamed the fire on the Christians and thus started the Crusade and the war on Christianity. Roman Maritime Admirality Law is the law implemented on the high seas to maintain order, this law has been adopted by all cartel nations. It is militaristic, harsh, excessive in the extreme and has no place anywhere on this planet. You know live under this never-ending poisonous, hybrid, criminal enterprise of usurpation of all Earth's living rights. This is where our unreasonable jail sentences and fines in uniform commercial code stem from.
Here is some information so you are NOT so easily fooled again. In our Constitution and other similar documents it is written in an absolute manner, when a government claims a control it is always referred to as a POWER. When controls are claimed by the people the referred term is always called a RIGHT. This is the system used. So the RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms shall NOT be infringed means exactly what it says. The people have the RIGHT. I have heard many highly educated legal scholars knowingly lie in public regarding this interpretation of fact. There is nothing to misinterpret, period.
Then things really get bad (circa 1870's to 1930's) USA. The Indians were dead or locked up like cows and fed salt pork or not at all, there was no opposition or competition to the big takeover. Actually there was a little competition that was called the independent American man and the farming and ranching families who thought they had a free country. So here came the slight of hand, the European banking cartel families wanted to centralize power. They negotiated in secret, so secret in fact they went to an off-shore island off the southern US. They formed private corporations and trusts to control the currencies of the world. One of these entities became the Federal Reserve, of which it is neither federal nor a reserve. It is in fact a private corporation owned by the aristocratic families. This is in fact a privately owned Monopoly Game of the real world. So one day they say the country is broke and has no money and no wealth and they say the government is unable to have it's own money. Then this private corporation must borrow all of it's money under terms of excessive interest. Around these times simple interest was the norm, two percent of a hundred dollars equaled two dollars. Along came a German mathematician who invented the concept of compounded interest to the delight of the cartel. Now a two percent loan would no longer equal two dollars on a hundred but could exceed the entire value of the amount carried. Simple people and everyone else can be duped and frauded for funds far in excess of the entire principle legally. Paper money was then substituted for real gold, for real silver and genuine specimen. The Federal Reserve gets sick rich as they collect compounded interest on every counterfeit note. So when everyone has a pocket full of paper the cartel says the economy has crashed, the country is broke and the counterfeit paper is devalued and worthless, just like it always has been. The banking cartel clears the whole board game, again owns everything and they start mortgaging away everything again. This occurred in America as a means to break the will of the free and independent American man, to humble him, so he would be able to hold no gold and would have to stand in line for crackers, break his family, take his land and then say thank you for some menial ass pay by the hour job.
From the 1930's to the 1970's gold was outlawed to own as an American citizen under penalty of law. Collections by the government were implemented for the war of course. While the European banking cartel steals American wealth and money, the same trick is played on many other countries. Soon all this loaned funny money is spent to build opposing armies, to make war, blow everything up then more loans are offered to re-build these broken countries and write more restrictive laws. Many people have to stand in line for crackers while the US government fills old battleships with wheat, sinks them at sea so Americans have NO food. This is how we are conquered! Also in the '30's, the US government legally declared war on every American citizen. The civil flag was removed from every American courtroom, leaving only the military flag to war on it's own citizens. The US has incorporated and turned all human beings into human resources thereby property of the state. The civil American flag has red and white stripes, the same, but is a white background with blues stars hung open and vertical, not on a pole, horizontally under military march. I bet you never knew you had, nor have seen your civil flag, thus it was intended.
This is the time when private, as in private property, private money, private family, private family businesses and the private protections of common law began to quickly evaporate. All of the sudden government became terribly confused. The government now thought your money was theirs, calling it income and taxing you again. And all of the sheep rolled over and played dead. That would have been our grandparents. The government has now usurped any and all rights you ever thought you had. People lost their first-class status to become second-class citizens, people once again became subjects of the government, queen, etc. Which is what is meant when the police are called and refer to the offending subject as wearing a red hat and blue shirt. People can NO longer live domicile or own land. They are now commerce and must be residents, meaning allowed to temporarily engage to conduct commerce and pay their annual land tax.
More controls are necessary, plant and plant derivatives are made illegal, planting certain plants is especially illegal if they open the brain to higher knowledge, new worlds and dimensions resulting in spiritual evolution. Native tongues and songs are forbidden to be spoken. US income taxes are collected and sent to Russia and China to set up social experiments, phony revolutions and usher in communism to see how far people can be impoverished, pushed and made to tolerate. Phony reasons for wars that are manufactured on countries with strong, independent, intelligent cultures, especially those not plugged into the IMF and UN and US dollar system. This whole while the US jokingly calls its self a peace loving country. The fact is the US has invaded a country for each and every year of it's existence since 1776. Now the US's operating fronts on scores of countries at a time so even these previous numbers have been eclipsed. SCORE CARD - over 233 wars in 233 years.
We have hundreds of military bases around the world. The CIA, State Department, Army Intell, NSA, FBI, Department of the Navy, never rest, nor stop the white, gray and black propaganda wars to take control and murder millions who pay attention or won't play with their dirty, paper, monopoly money. Whether their methods of war are on you or Korea in the 1950's when the US Navy parked off the coast to bomb for months this tightly-knit culture with absolutely no provocation. Both the Vietnam and bullshit commie wars on Central America were population control experiments that did not work. The reason England and the US is always so concerned about countries that grow drugs is so they can control the distribution and trafficking. Example, as in England and the US controlling Indochina and Afghanistan, Columbia, Panama for cocaine distribution to target Blacks in America to fill up the prisons. The real reason for Arab nation invasions was not just oil but for currency control as these nations still had private, internal banking systems and were not plugged into the world banking cartel. The cartel does NOT like competition.
The first thing done as these countries are invaded is to start dropping blocks of hundred dollar bills to plug the people into the funny money. These entire countries can now be taxed, regulated, devalued and defeated through currency alone. Here are other methods of attack, like in Africa for instance, they send in the saviors, the IMF and UN, bring in lots of smallpox vaccines, laced with HIV then rob these poor countries for most of their entire GNP to buy drugs to control this man-made virus. Don't forget Agent Orange, highly effective defoliant and human gene mutilator. The over-all plan for Africa is to de-populate and create havoc so that all the continent's abundant, natural resources are then openly and cheaply available to the banking cartel colonial powers, of which many of these nations had been kicked off the land years before. We are taxed with no representation in the extreme and forced into third party contracts against our will, insurance, bought by force.
Our country is special here in the US, we invade every country on the planet, we possess over 70 thousand nuclear weapons, but we won't let most other countries have even one. I think they call this BULLSHIT bilateral relations. So when a nation does not go to war on advice of it's handlers, a phony terror plot is manufactured; Nero burning Rome, Pearl Harbor bombing, the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing, 9-11 attack, etc. Even now the FBI will not release tapes that would show the thousands of pounds of explosives that must have been brought in necessary to blow out the massive pylons and bring the Oklahoma City building face down. Regarding 9-11, way back in 1991, the blind, Arab sheik was duped and payed well by the FBI and other spooks to blow up one of the twin towers in New York. It became apparent in his courtroom proceedings that he got scared at the last moment and did not park the bomb near the center support column as instructed but instead put it on the outer edge of the building causing little damage. But September 11 the CIA sure got the job done with two high-jacked airliners. The US promptly invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia and Kenya because naturally they were responsible. NOT!
Here's another benefit, we are developing the highest tech weapons to kill all the Arabs while we direct, control and fire from the comfort of our living rooms, how awfully convenient! All the black operations are scare tactics just like the present economic crash, just like the swine flu, just like the last 30 years of US wage devaluation. Instead of one family member working to own a home, it takes three people working.
Think aliens don't exist? Ever wonder why every tall mountain in America has multiple telescopes? Read the entire factual government cover-up of aliens by the one colonel entirely in charge, "The Day After Roswell" by Colonel Corsier.
The US and bank cartel nations are the largest monopoly of weapons manufacturing and sales in the world. Do you really use billions of weapons to sow the seeds of PEACE?
Ever notice how in this white man's world of fraud you cannot count on anything, but wars, taxes and poverty. White-collar crime is the norm, lawyers, insurance, 401-ks, CDs, accountants, union savings plans, stock investments, it's ALL a loosing game, unless you are a bad guy on the inside. While you weren't looking the government has stolen our lands and parks again and forcefully extorts us to go on a picnic or to a national park.
We waste so much time on non-education and getting diplomas and licenses for permission to work a $20 an hour job if we are lucky. And then we waste more time and billions of dollars to fund an industry of people chasing balls. Basketballs, baseballs, golf balls, I just can't believe people are sooo simple. It sure keeps the morons busy doing nothing. Our ignorance and division keeps us living two by two, in our little boxes, all in a row, called suburbia.
Project Hightower is a satellite over Earth that listens to every phone call, email, fax and wire transfer in the world.
Are you enjoying your new automatic speeding tickets, which were sold to the public as red light running cameras but are actually 24 hour surveillance video.
The new national health care debate started out good, only the rich would pay for everyone's health care. Two months latter they change the story. It is proposed that the poor will have to forcefully buy their own health care or face fines and penalty of law. The government will NEVER, ever do anything right. They adamantly refuse! Poverty is the worse form of violence and this is what they use to control the populous. Take note: the medical care system is specifically set up to send you to the doctor, the hospital and the nursing home to extract your entire family's inheritance.
Notice the police cars with the sign on the side that says "proud to protect and serve", they don't say who, but in fact they are not to protect the people but to protect the corporation of the state. Police abuse has always been rampant in America but now it has been made legal by this criminally insane government mother fuckers under laws of terror. It is okay to kidnap, harass, imprison for life, torture and
kill anybody for anything, or nothing, anywhere and without charge and compensation. And these guys have the audacity to call themselves a legitimate government. These are the so-called "good" guys.
Well, we are right back to the crusades in thirteenth, century Europe as orchestrated by the Catholic church. So a pirate is a pirate, a parasite is a parasite, a murderer is a murderer, and a thief is a thief, and this is what we have for a global government, as controlled by the banking cartel mismanagement of the world. Please do not explain to me your feeble delusions of freedom, for you have NONE.
A famous Native American once remarked regarding the confused lack of value of the Whites. They cut down a nation of antiquous, virgin forest killing everything. Then they paint a picture on canvas of the same forest, hang it on a wall and marvel at their delusional accomplishment. This is a con job of insanity, perfectly illustrated. Demonic aristocracy, democracy. I rest my case.

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